
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: "4 Things Church Planters Today Need to Know" and More

4 Things Church Planters Today Need to Know

In our desire to reach the world, we mustn’t become like the world. We should strive to be informed about it without being formed by it. So rather than knowing a lot, here are four things (in no particular order) you should know well if you want to effectively minister the gospel in our secular age. Read More
These four things I believe all pastors, not just church-planting pastors, need to know in order to be effective in ministering the gospel in today's world.
How to Maximize Your Limited Time

You can’t do everything you want to do in a day, but you can do everything God wants you to do each day. Here’s how. Read More

Why People Leave a Church - Rainer on Leadership #448 [Podcast]

A recent study by LifeWay Research showed that 15% of church members have considered leaving their church in the past six months. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss why. Read More

Churchgoers Stick Around for Theology, Not Music or Preachers

Most churchgoers will put up with a change in music style or a different preacher. But don’t mess with a church’s beliefs or there may be an exodus, according to a new study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research. Read More
This study confirms what the Episcopal Church discovered when it changed its beliefs. Folks are not going to stick around. They are going to leave. The Episcopal Church has experienced several exoduses since the 1960s when the original Orthodox Anglican Church broke away from it. This study is also a warning to new pastors. If their predecessors have not been preaching and teaching biblical doctrine, they can expect to lose members when they begin to preach and teach it.
How to Create a Small Group Conversation that Changes Lives

Small group gatherings are only social groups unless there is a Bible-based discussion that results in changed lives. Before a small group conversation starts, a trusting environment and God’s guidance are required. Read More

Why Is Food Important In Your Small Group?

Food is required for us to live. But it does so much more than that. Here are some advantages your group can experience by including food at your gatherings.... Read More

10 Reasons Why We Hide Our Sins

It happens. Even as believers, we tend to keep our sin to ourselves. Here are some reasons why.... Read More

What Is the Unpardonable Sin?

The late R. C. Sproul explains what the Bible teaches is the unforgivable sin. Read More

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