
Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday's Catch: Church Blind Spots and More

The Four Biggest Blind Spots of Churches

Melanie Smollen, founder and president of Faith Perceptions, shares four of the biggest blind spots churches face while striving to make an impression on guests. Her findings are based upon the experiences of mystery guests Faith Perceptions has deployed to more than 10,000 worship services across the nation. Read More

Why Not Evangelize a Church Into Existence?

Church planting can get bogged down in the details. Here are the fundamental principles we must not lose sight of. Read More

Is the Truth of the Bible Essential to the Christian Message? Engaging (Again) with Andy Stanley

Michael Kruger examines Andy Stanley's overall view of Scripture and the role it plays in the life of the Christian. Read More
Andy Stanley exercises considerable influence with younger evangelical pastors who are modeling their churches on his church and using his sermon series in their preaching. Where his view of the Bible are shared with evangelical congregations, it is creating confusion about the Bible and leaving the members of these congregations vulnerable to the teaching of Rob Bell and others. 
What Is the Septuagint?

The Septuagint is quite possibly the most important translation of the Bible. It is the oldest translation of the OT into another language. It was considered by Philo and Josephus to be on an equal footing with the Hebrew Bible. It was preferred to the Hebrew by the Early Christian Church. And it sheds much-needed light on the development of the New Testament. Still, many Christians today have little to no knowledge of it. Read More

Why You Got Blocked: What’s Okay, and Not Okay, on Social Media

Social media is a place where we should first seek to be light and salt to a world that needs Jesus. Read More

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