
Saturday, August 18, 2018

Saturday Lagniappe: Analysis Paralysis and More

5 Ways Analysis Paralysis Might Be Killing Your Church

Analysis paralysis is what happens to leaders when we spend too much time thinking and not enough time acting. Read More

6 Things Leaders Hate Doing, but Need to Anyway

The following are six of the most common things leaders hate to do, but smart leaders do them anyway. Read More

Poor Interpretation Lets Us “Believe” the Bible While Denying What It Actually Says

As people respond to my books, ask questions, and state opinions through emails and social media, I’m struck with how many say they believe the Bible, but their interpretations are so out of line with credible biblical meanings that their profession of confidence in Scripture becomes meaningless, and even dangerous. Not only is this happening more frequently today, it’s also being accepted as normal. Read More
These observations help to explain why some members of my congregation have been reacting negatively to what is clearly taught in the Bible--things like taking an interest in spiritual well-being of other people, sharing the gospel with them, treating other people the way they themselves would want to be treated, forgiving them when they do wrong against us, and praying for those who wish us harm.
3 Bible Passages to Study with Unbelievers

As time passes, I become more and more convinced that faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God. No amount of evidence can convince someone about the truth of the Gospel. It is the Word of God, itself, that has the power to save and transform souls. Read More

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