
Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday's Catch: Spiritual Warnings Signs and More

7 Warning Signs You Are Drifting From God

Big sin is always the sum of a thousand tiny choices. Read More

Five Ways the MeToo# Movement Will Likely Impact Churches

The #MeToo Movement will be one of the historic markers of 2018. Its impact is felt in the entertainment industry, in politics, in businesses and, undoubtedly, in churches. While we have yet to understand fully the impact in local churches, we can anticipate changes that will come. Here are five ways the #MeToo movement will likely impact churches. Read More

So, What Comes After Church Growth?

Characteristics of the Church Growth Movement itself present challenges to church multiplication. Read More

Pastoral Transition: Six Factors That Help A Church Navigate Big Changes

Churches that resist change have a harder time when change is needed. Churches that regularly make smaller transitions hone their transition skills. Read More

Mattresses, Experiences, and Instagramming Your Worship Service

What place does social media have in our worship services? Read More

One Measure You Can’t Afford to Overlook in Your Ministry

“What is the ‘business’ of the church? What is the church’s ‘one word’? Read More

What We Can Learn From the Street Corner Evangelist

We can debate the evangelistic effectiveness, but there are also helpful principles we can learn. Read More

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