
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #12

Moving Beyond One-Dimensional Sermon Applications

When it comes to application, I would suggest that preachers tend to fall into a bit of a rut. We tend to use the same type of application, over and over again. In order to remedy this, let me suggest three different categories for how to apply God’s word. These three categories are not mutually exclusive (and often overlap), but they can provide much-needed balance and breadth to our preaching. Reading More

Why We Procrastinate On Writing Sermons (And How I’m Trying To Fix It)

Brian Jones shares his sermon struggles and what he has learnd from them. Read More

3 Easy Ideas for “During the Week” Sermon Content

You know the feeling. You spend countless hours preparing a sermon and then you get up to preach. You pour into the congregation for thirty minutes or more and then what? Read More

7 Deadly Sins of Guest Preaching

So you’re invited to preach at someone else’s church. Or a conference. Or a chapel service. The venue doesn’t really matter. What does matter is not committing one of the seven deadly sins of guest preaching. Read More

Calling Question: How Do I Prepare My Heart to Preach? [Podcast]

For today’s “Calling Question”, Dave addresses the tension the preacher confronts each week of preparing the heart to preach before the Audience of One while also preparing to preach to people. Listen Now

R. C. Sproul: Preach Simply, Not Simplistically

A great teacher can simplify without distortion. This is the supreme test of understanding. Read More

Lewis Allen - The Preacher's Catechism [Podcast]

On the latest episode of the Equipping, You in Grace Podcast, Dave Jenkins, and Lewis Allen discuss the importance of personal growth in grace in the Christian life and ministry, along with his book, The Preacher’s Catechism (Crossway, 2018). Listen Now

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