
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: How to Serve Local Schools and More

12 Ways Your Church Can Serve Local Schools

Here are 12 ways your church can be a positive presence at local schools. To find out how to get started, contact the administration of your area school. They will be able to direct you to the appropriate channel to offer support. Read More

How Do You Know if Your Church is Healthy? [Video]

There are healthy churches and unhealthy churches (so, so many unhealthy churches). How would you know the difference? I was asked that question recently and this is my attempt at an answer. Watch Now

When People Leave

Is your church ministering in a transient context? Daniel Hyun has some ideas for you. Read More

The Maker of the Maker of Middle-earth

There’s something missing from Oxford’s splendid new Tolkien exhibit. Read More

Why Every Pastor Must Empower and Release Leaders

There’s tremendous power in cooperation. We do our best work when, instead of jockeying for position or trying to build a base of power, we work together—building on each other’s strengths and shoring up each other’s weaknesses. Read More

3 Levels of Leadership Development [Podcast]

Are your leaders in the right place? Oftentimes, they are not. Today, we’re going to look at the 3 levels of leadership development so we can develop leaders better. Listen Now

Five Major Ways to Improve Your Worship Services - Rainer on Leadership #460

There are several things you can do in worship services to improve the experience for guests and members. Today Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss five such things—four of which cost nothing. Listen Now

5 Traps That Can Catch The Children’s Ministry Leader

Greg Baird identifies five traps that can catch the children's ministry leader. Read More

The Key to Evangelism No One Talks About

“Use your words.” Read More

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