
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wednesday's Catch: Converting Western Europe's Nominal Christians and More

Europe’s Big Mission Field: Nominals

How do you persuade someone who already thinks they’re a Christian to become one? Read More

Be a Missionary, Not a Marketer

We have shifted from the mentality of having a missions pastor that focuses on prompting the church to go to the people, to a marketing director that figures out how to get the people to come to the church. We have shifted from a call for the church to “go” to a call for the world to “come.” Read More

7 Keys for Persevering in Ministry

Hebrews 12:1–3 provides both stunning reasons to keep running our race and some ways to do that. Read More

10 Guidelines for Hosting and Paying Guest Speakers and Musicians

Over the years, I have worked with many churches and speakers (and a few musicians) to establish some guidelines for hosting and paying guest speakers. Keep in mind, these are guidelines, not rigid rules. There will always be reasons for exceptions. Read More

10 Powerful Prayers the Apostle Paul Prayed Over God’s People

The prayers of Paul for God’s people are a fascinating study. It’s interesting to observe the requests Paul makes. His prayers focused on hearts and minds being conformed to Christ. Read More

What Calvinists And Arminians Can Agree On

Instead of arguing about Calvinism versus Arminianism, perhaps it’d be best to start from a point of agreement and then slowly progress from there. Agree that we should pray for the salvation of souls, and then spend time in prayer with that person that God would do just that in the lives of each other’s loved ones. Read More

A Challenge to Bible Study Small Group Leaders: Keep the Focus on the Bible

As part of our church consultation work, we often send “spies” into small groups that are designed for Bible study and fellowship, in that order of priority. But, our spies often see that the hour of “Bible study” often passes with little attention to the Bible. Here’s why that’s problematic..... Read More

How to Convince People to Get Involved in Small Groups

Three tips on how to build a culture of small-group involvement. Read More

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