
Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday's Catch: A Hill Worth Dying On and More

Every Hill You Face Is Not Worth Dying On

The greatest leadership lesson I have ever learned is: Every hill you face is not worth dying on. Read More

Five Types of Infrequent Attendees

Declining attendance isn’t as much of an issue in churches as declining frequency of attendance. Today Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss those who miss frequently and how to solve that. Listen Now
I am prompted to wonder whether the woman Thom Rainer mentions in this podcast was actually unregenerate–a convenient explanation–or the church failed to assimilate her into its life and fellowship–a less convenient explanation but one that often accounts for why new converts drift away. Too often churches focus on conversion to the neglect of assimilation. They are more interested in baptizing than they are in discipling those whom they baptize and integrating them into life and fellowship of the church.

I also recall a woman who regularly attended church services at my former parish for a while. She came from a different socio-economic background than the bulk of the attendees and they did not accept her. She eventually stopped attending church. Churches can be very tribal and if key members conclude that a newcomer does not belong to their tribe, they will push the newcomer to the boundary of the church, leaving the newcomer with the choice of occupying the role of permanent outsider, attending a different church, or dropping out of church altogether.

How to Use Your Fall Festival to Reach Families

Dale Hudson offers some advice on how to reach and keep families through your church's Fall Festival. Read More

Why Your Church Probably Needs to Change Its Social Media Strategy

Churches face a daunting task of trying to leverage social media to reach both insiders and outsiders. Read More

4 Tasks of Mission

How we understand and define mission matters for local church ministry. Read More

At What Price Awakening? Examining the Theology and Practice of the Bethel Movement

As a pastor of an Australian church, I too am passionate to see revival happen in Australia. There is, however, a huge difference between revival and revivalism.... Read More

Evangelicals Argue Against US Reducing Refugees to 30,000

Trump administration says Christians in Iraq face genocide; only 18 have been allowed to resettle in America this year. Read More

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