
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday's Catch: God, Gender, and Language and More

Swedish Lutheran Church

Is God Male? Why Some Clergy Are Changing Their Language

After a U.K. survey found that only 1 percent of British Christians consider God to be female, some Church of England leaders are urging clergy to consider their word usage. According to research conducted by YouGov, younger Christians are now more likely than older Christians to view God as male. Read More

All Churches Make Mistakes, Why Do Ours Feel Fatal?

Christ is with us when we suit up again, even though we fell flat on our face the last time we went on the field. Read More

The Kingdom Mindset of Churches That Are Willing to Be Replanted

It’s important for churches to have a kingdom mindset if they are going to revitalize or be replanted. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss what that looks like in a church. Listen Now

The Horrors and Habitat of Hell: Some Details You May Not Have Considered

In recent years, the biblical concept of Hell has come under fire. Hell is seen as the great scarecrow of Christianity, an antiquated tactic used by preachers of yesteryear to frighten people into making professions of faith. Those who view this as illegitimate fearmongering have responded by reinterpreting biblical passages on Hell to make it more palatable and less offensive. But Scripture teaches that Hell couldn’t be more real and gives great detail about the horrors of this habitat of certain torment. Read More

Pastor, Don’t Be a Secondhander

Merely imitating—instead of owning and believing what we’re doing—is to put on the appearance that something is abiding deep inside of us. This certainly applies to the Christian life in general, but I’m specifically thinking of those in pastoral leadership. Having a “bag of tricks” is being a secondhander, and we must guard against it. Here are three signs we’re at least bordering on being a secondhander. Read More

How to Help Prevent Your Child from Becoming an Atheist

According to a new study on adult atheists, the less that parents “walk the walk” about religious beliefs, the more likely their children are to walk away from the faith. Read More

A Missionary's Most Crucial Spiritual Discipline

Watchfulness is especially crucial for missionaries (and ministers, elders, and pastors) who bear the unique responsibility of caring for the souls of others as part of their vocation, often amid considerable challenges. While this calling brings many blessings and joys, missionaries also face unique temptations. Read More

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