
Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday's Catch: Leadership Focus and More

A 3-Step Plan To Increase Your Leadership Focus

Knowing how to focus, and focus on the right things at the right times is essential. Without intentional focus, your progress, and therefore overall effectiveness decreases. Read More

Eight Demons Pastors Fight...

To stay in the ministry any length of time, a pastor needs to learn to fight some predictable “demons.” Read More

How Does Your Social Media Presence Reflect Your Faith?

As a Christ-follower, you have to think about how you engage online. Next time your Facebook feed becomes one long dialogue on the latest social issue, think through these three steps before you join the conversation. Read More

The Sins Forbidden by the Ninth Commandment in a Social Media World

This is the second of two articles by Tim Challies about the ninth commandment and its relevance in a world in which so much of our communication takes place through social media. Read More

The Duties Required by the Ninth Commandment in a Social Media World

This is the first of two articles by Tim Challies about the ninth commandment and its relevance in a world in which so much of our communication takes place through social media. Read More

Lyft Your Eyes to Jesus: Why Ride Sharing Can Be the Next Ministry Frontier

Ride sharing creates an opportunity to engage and invite. Read More

The Burden for Missions Begins at Home

Don’t underestimate how you handicap missions in a church by making evangelism seem optional in the Christian life. Read More

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