
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday's Catch: Characteristics of a Healthy Church and More

Ten Characteristics of a Healthy Church

A healthy church is one where members are wholly in love with Christ and fully committed to His Great Commission. Read More

Engagement: A Small Church Advantage We Need To Cultivate

Getting a few people engaged and involved is far more important than attracting a big crowd. Read More

How to Develop Tactical Patience in a Revitalization or Replant

Tactical patience means waiting to change things when the time is right. Pastors often get in trouble when they rush into change. Today, Thom Rainer, Mark Clifton, and Jonathan Howe discuss how to grow in that patience. Listen Now

The Unintended Impact of The Church Planting Industry on Our Evangelistic Impact

Is church planting still the most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven? Read More

The Nollian Quintagram

Mark Noll, in his essay on “What Is ‘Evangelical’?” in the Oxford Handbook of Evangelical Theology (ed. Gerald R. McDermott; Oxford University Press, 2010) offers his own list of common characteristics that evangelicals share. Read More

Should You Go Bivo?

I invite you to consider three lenses through which we should measure the wisdom of bi-vocational ministry. If you’ve ever tried to open a combination lock, you know getting just two numbers correct isn’t enough. Likewise, I submit a successful bi-vocational ministry will need to have (at least) these three aspects properly balanced. Read More

Top 10 Things I Love That Worship Leaders Do

I love it when worship leaders.... Read More

Too Much Screen Time, Too Little Horseplay for Kids: Study

Only one in 20 kids in the United States meets guidelines on sleep, exercise and screen time, and nearly a third are outside recommendations for all three, according to a study published Thursday. Read More

The True Sexual Revolution

We live in a world where, in short, much of what was once taboo has become mainstream but what remains taboo is more taboo than ever. Sexual sin is viewed as something unforgiveable and sexual sinners as people irredeemable. Read More

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