
Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday's Catch: Dead Churches?! Oh, Oh!!

Too far gone!

How to Wake Up a Dead Church

Here are my observations, for what they’re worth, on how to transform a collection of comatose do-nothings into a thriving, caring, loving church of the Lord Jesus Christ. And, since every church is both similar and different, we will use a lot of generalities and broad-sweeping statements. Pastors should take anything that fits their situation and skip past the rest. Read More

How the Church Becomes a Community of Holiness

Imitating Christ is not just an individual concern but a corporate affair. Read More

The Metrics of Mission: How to Count What Counts

Five examples of kingdom behaviors that should be quantified. Read More

Want To Go Deeper And Wider? Underline New Stuff

I can’t gain new understanding of anything – even of the ideas I already agree with – if all I do is keep reinforcing old facts. Read More

By Some Means...

In recent years, a number of Reformed theologians have introduced the phrase ordinary means of grace to a forthcoming generation of ministers. The incorporation of this phase into the vocabulary of the church has been quite easily observable--especially in serious-minded Confessionally Reformed churches where it has become something of a Shibboleth of orthodox worship and missions. Nevetheless, few have set out, in summary form, the variations of its use in the history of the Church. Read More

10 Fears I Have for an "Internet Generation" of Leaders

I’m grateful for the opportunities that the Internet, social media, and other tools provide us as we do ministry in the 21st century. We can talk to the world in much more expedient ways today than we could when I started ministry more than 35 years ago. So, I’m overall quite positive about these tools. On the other hand, I do have these fears for young church leaders who’ve grown up with these tools.... Read More

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