
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday's Catch: First Responders, Church Security, and More

3 Ways the Local Church Can Reach First Responders

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (RRT)—which offers emotional and spiritual care to people affected by disasters—was born out of 9/11 when volunteers deployed to New York City to minister to those impacted by the terrorist attacks.... Josh Holland, assistant director of the RRT, offers ways for the local church to show appreciation and minister to the first responders in their communities. Read More

My Security Training Didn’t Prepare Me For This…But My Ministry Training Did

The first Sunday I served on the security team at church I had an interesting encounter. Late-comers were straggling through the lobby as usual when I noticed a visitor. He was holding a large metal coffee mug and looked disoriented. I didn’t recognize him, so I assumed he was new and probably lost. When I walked up and introduced myself, I realized that he was three sheets to the wind and his “coffee mug” was serving as a beer stein. Hmmm…what to do? Read More

Servant of the Church of God: Donald William Bradley Robinson, 1922–2018

Early on Friday 7 September one of Australia’s most brilliant biblical scholars and influential church leaders went to be with the Lord whom he loved and so faithfully served. If you are an Australian evangelical, you owe him a great debt, even if you’ve never heard of him. His name was Donald William Bradley Robinson. He was 95 years old. Read More

How to Know When to Let a Church or Ministry Die

Some ministries and churches are meant to last for a season. Here’s how to know when that season is over. Read More

7 Textual Reasons to Pray for Your Church Leaders Today

If you’re a church leader, you need people praying for you – and you need to be praying for other leaders in your congregation. If you’re a layperson in your church, you need to be interceding for your church’s leaders. Here’s why, based on the Word of God.... Read More

The Lies We Spread About Grace

If we tell people we are broken sinners just like they are, we are only telling half the story. Read More

5 Ways to NOT Be the Annoying Christian at Work

We’ve all had the moment where we want everyone to know about our church or our faith … but we feel that inner voice telling us, “Don’t be THAT guy.” You know, that guy with the Bible verse for everything, or the woman that spontaneously prays out loud and freaks people out. How do you connect your friends to your faith? Read More

The Nashville Statement Confronts Heresy, and That’s Why We Needed It.

Today Christianity is facing a conflict with the zeitgeist over sexual morality, and there are no shortage of attempts to “reconcile” the faith with a revolution in sexual mores that is inherently incompatible with the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). Read More

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