
Saturday, September 01, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #15

5 Preaching Styles In 25 Years (Here's What I Changed And Why)

Our language keeps changing, our common experiences are fewer, and universal illustrations no longer are. Read More

How to Preach a Text You Don’t Fully Understand

There are many advantages to preaching through books of the Bible. One “disadvantage” is that you’ll occasionally have to preach through a text that you really do not yet fully understand. But even this, I believe, is healthy for the preacher and the congregation. So what do you do when you spend your week laboring over a difficult text with a couple valid options and you still don’t know where you land? Read More

7 Mistakes in Public Speaking

Have you made any of these mistakes in public speaking? What other mistakes have you made? Read More

Have You Half-Quit Preaching?

There are temptations to quit preaching, but temptations to "half-quit" are an even greater danger. Here are the warning signs and what to do about them. Read More

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