
Saturday, September 01, 2018

Saturday Lagniappe: Structuring Your Church to Reproduce and Multiply and More

Five Characteristics of Structure for Church Multiplication

For many churches, the reason why people fail to stay isn’t a ministry issue; it’s a structural issue. They simply don’t have the structure in place to see reproduction and eventually multiplication. Just as chairs are designed to support a certain amount of weight, so too church structures are designed to handle a certain amount of people. Sadly, most churches don’t realize they are perfectly designed to stay right where they are. Read More

8 Dangers of Church Revitalization

I’m convinced we need to focus on church revitalization as well as church planting to reach North America. At the same time, though, I see at least these dangers in church revitalization.... Read More

The Number One Lie the World Tells Our Kids Today

An important but challenging task for youth pastors and parents involves helping our children understand the messages of the world. However, given the pluralistic nature of contemporary society, one struggles to identify a cohesive ideology underpinning the values of the world. Read More

Part Two: Attacking the Lie of Individualism with Our Kids

How do we practically teach our children to recognize this fallacy of self-rule, and instead submit to the gracious leadership of God? Read More

How Facebook Has Flattened Human Communication

Online services demand easily classified content. Users have obliged. Read More

How the Local Church Prepared Me for Missions

I wish I could say that I’ve always recognized the significance of the role my local church played in preparing me for missions. But not until recently did I truly begin to appreciate it. From a very young age, on up through high school, my home church not only taught me the importance of missions but involved me and showed me how I could make a significant contribution to spread God’s glory to the nations. Read More

Promoting Plagiarism in Ministry

Over the last few weeks there’s been a lot of angst in my denomination’s local circles about evangelism. A visiting friend told us we’re no longer keen on it, and the statistics show that over the last ten years we’ve lost people just as fast as we’ve converted them. Read More

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