
Tuesday, October 09, 2018

4 Ways to Expand Your Gospel Influence

Sometimes when you’re serving in a rural context, there’s a temptation to feel you aren’t “making an impact.” Perhaps you look at the numbers and become discouraged, especially when you see fellow pastors baptize more people on a Sunday than your church has in worship attendance.

Perhaps we should shift our mindset. Since ministry rhythms are slower in a rural context, it’s possible to expand your gospel influence to include those outside the congregation you serve. As important as local church service is, remember we are called to reach the community as well.

I had a pastoral mentor say to me, “As a rural church pastor you also serve as a community pastor.” That struck me. Even though I serve a local church, I’m also called to serve as a pastor to the community.

Because rural communities are smaller, many people will automatically recognize you as a leader. So what are some ways you can expand your gospel influence beyond the four walls of your local church? Read More

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