
Tuesday, October 09, 2018

A Shared Worship Ministry

Developing a Partnership between Sermons and Songs

It’s Sunday morning. The music leader sits down as the pastor walks to the pulpit to start his message. He begins this way: Turn with me to Colossians 1:15-20 and let’s read God’s Word together.

As the congregation joins the pastor reading this passage, the worship leader thinks, If only I had known that was his text today! I have a great song set that would have set that up perfectly! And something just like that happens in church after church, Sunday after Sunday.

It can be better than that.

I once heard a pastor say to a worship leader, “You sing about Jesus and I’ll preach about Jesus and the rest will take care of itself.”

It can be better than that, too.

How can it work? What can pastors and worship leaders do to make a more meaningful connection between the congregational worship and the sermon? Does it matter? Read More
This is not just a problem in Baptist churches. It is also a problem in Anglican and Episcopal churches. 

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