
Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday's Catch: The Hexing of Brett Kavanaugh and More

Brett Kavanaugh Target of Hexing Ritual This Weekend

A group of witches in Brooklyn, New York, plan on gathering to place hexes on recently appointed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday, October 20, 2018. Read More

Modern-Day Exorcist: Kavanaugh Hex Should Not Be ‘underestimated’

After an occult bookstore in Brooklyn, New York made headlines for its plan to host an event to hex newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, members of the clergy have stepped up to engage in a battle they believe is taking place in the spiritual realm. Read More

8 Assumptions Pastors Can't Make In A Post-Christian Culture

The so-called Christian culture is going... going... gone. We need to get ready for what’s next. Read More

How Pastors Perceive Domestic Violence Differently

Most pastors want their churches to be a safe haven, but don’t have a plan to get there. Read More

Andy Stanley: Jesus Ended the Old Covenant Once and for All

A brief response to Robert Foster on my book, ‘Irresistible.’ Read More

Almost Half of U.S. Births Happen Outside Marriage, Signaling Cultural Shift

An increasing number of births happen outside of marriage, signaling cultural and economic shifts that are here to stay, according to a new report from the United Nations. Read More

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