
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Saturday Lagniappe: The Multi-Generational Church and Much More

The Beauty of Age Diversity in the Church

Annie Lavi discovers the multi-generational church. Read More
The one-generation church is a recent phenomena. Since New Testament times churches have been multi-generational. In most parts of the world the multi-generational church is still the norm.
How Our Culture Justifies Its Sexual Freedom (the 10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity #9)

“We should care more about love and less about sex.” Of all the postmodern cliches that abound, this one may be the most common. And it’s quite effective, rhetorically speaking. Read More

What to Do When the New Testament Quotes the Old

Since the Bible had no verse divisions until the 16th century AD, we ought to consider what this implies about how to read and study the Bible. Read More

Senior Pastor…Why Aren’t You Singing?

What message is the pastor sending the congregation when he does not join in the singing on Sunday morning? Read More

Walk Slowly Through the Pews

Take time to notice people, talk to people, and build relationships. Lead Pastors: This goes for you, too. They don’t want to just hear your message, they want to meet you. Read More

Loving Our Foreign-Born Neighbor

It’s no secret America is becoming more and more multicultural. The percentage of foreign-born people living in the United States continues to increase, and last year, it reached its highest level in over a century.... Some pastors and church leaders see this as a unique opportunity to share and spread the gospel. Read More

On Cultivating a Culture of Evangelism [Podcast]

Churches shouldn’t farm out personal evangelism to pastors, professionals, or programs. Instead, the goal for every church ought to be a culture of evangelism. Listen Now

Five Practical Steps to Evangelize Your Co-Workers

The American workplace is ripe, and now is the time to reach your co-workers for Christ. Very practically, though, how do you do it? Follow these five steps, and they’ll help you go a long way down the path of seeing a harvest of souls in the marketplace.... Read More

Have MDiv, Will Preach: Study on the Growth of Female Pastors

The percentage of clergywomen in most mainline denominations has doubled or tripled since 1994. That’s one key finding from “State of Clergywomen in the U.S.,” a statistical study released recently by Dr. Eileen Campbell-Reed. The professor of practical theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas says she wanted to “remedy” a “deficit of information” about female leadership in the church. Read More

For Blacks, Lies Matter: Black Christians, The Trump Presidency, and New Research

I fear evangelicals have risked years of processing past racial trauma for a future devoid of Black voices among them. Read More
In overlooking or explaining away the character flaws of the candidates for whom they have voted or otherwise supported, evangelicals in the United States may have done irreparable harm to their witness to the unchurched. They have reinforced the perception that Christians are hypocrites. They have also shown a lack of trust in God, relying on human leaders rather than God. This was the sin that the people of Israel committed. Israel fell to invaders and its people were taken into captivity and were scattered to the four corners of the earth.
Billy Graham Center Explains Survey on Evangelical Trump Voters

Wheaton College-based institute studied how and why both white and non-white believers voted in 2016. Read More

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