
Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday's Catch: Faithfulness and More

Faithfulness: God's Goals + Ordinary Actions = Extraordinary Results

It’s great to dream big dreams. It’s greater to be consistent in the small, mundane tasks that make those dreams possible. Read More

7 Bad Decisions Leaders Make When in Decline or Plateau

Much of what I’ve learned in this post though I learned through suffering through my own bad decisions as a leader during periods of decline or plateau. I’d love for you to learn from my experience. Read More

Baptism in the Early Church

Some conclusions from historian Everett Ferguson’s magisterial 975-page tome, Baptism in the Early Church: History, Theology, and Liturgy in the First Five Centuries (Eerdmans, 2009).... Read More

How to Be an Effective Worship Leader to All Generations

To be a good worship leader, you may think that it is your job to offer a wide variety of music styles to keep the congregation happy. But, there are two problems with this.... Read More

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