
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #20

Four Destructive Mindsets That Can Wreck Your Preaching

The way we think about ourselves effects the outcomes we see in life. This is never more true than how we think about our preaching. Read More

What Is a Bad Sermon and How Do I Recover from Preaching One?

Pastor, you are a Christian first. If you did not carry out your calling effectively, rest in the finished work of Christ and in the knowledge that you are a child of God by faith alone. Read More

5 Great Ways to Continually Develop as a Preacher

Do you want to develop as a preacher? Of course, you do. That’s why you’re reading this. But if you’re like most pastors, it’s hard to know where to start. Read More

How To Engage The Whole Congregation

All of us have a propensity to want to communicate in our own preferred style. But what if your style doesn't reach everyone? Read More

9 Preaching Mistakes You Must Avoid

From preparation to delivery, keep an eye out for these preaching traps. Read More

Is Your Preaching Stained With Blood?

American Christianity is far less bloody than it used to be. Why? Read More

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