
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #21

An Open Letter to the Preacher Writing a Sermon

We are not called to convert people–we can’t; we are called to be loyal and consistent in loving, evangelizing, and praying for those the Lord has given us. Read More

Preach Simple Sermons

We must remember, it’s not the eloquence of the preacher, the clever cliches in his sermon, or enticing words of man’s wisdom that brings people to faith—it’s the power of the gospel. Read More

How to Build Tension When You Preach

What makes people find something interesting, compelling or having perceived value is determined by the level of tension built up against it....It’s your job to bring them to the place where they are ready to listen. You have to build tension in a way that makes people want to pay attention. So how do you build tension? Read More

Preaching: It's Not All About You

Over the past five decades, an insidious trend has crept into American preaching--and not only are most pastors unaware of it, they've embraced it! Read More

Is He Crazy To Share His Pulpit?

"The notion of sharing my pulpit was unthinkable, tantamount to a denial of my calling." Read More
While sharing your pulpit with another preacher may have its benefits, it also can have serious drawbacks as I learned during a two-year preaching ministry in which I shared a pulpit with three other preachers in strict rotation.
3 Reasons to Try Long-Range Sermon Planning

There certainly are times when we should preach a sermon God impressed upon us the day before, or even the morning of. But it’s OK to work ahead. In fact, it’s wise. Here are three kingdom-shaping reasons to approach sermon prep through long-range planning. Read More

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