
Friday, November 30, 2018

Friday's Catch: Long-Term Church Membership and More

7 Advantages Of Long-Term Church Membership

The best things in life don’t come in a hurry. They take time. But they’re worth the investment. Read More

Spiritual Drifters

Some Christians glory in their identity as a member of the Universal Church, while refusing to plug into any particular local church. They are not bringing any meaningful contribution to the family of God, just like a lonely, useless, 8-ft Lego man adrift at sea, washed up on a beach, claimed by no one, with no apparent purpose, function, or contribution to make. Read More

How to Make Your Church an Encouraging Place for Single Moms

For churches looking to welcome single moms, I can affirm the life-giving value of six practices. Read More

The Historical Reliability of the Gospels: A Response to the Influence of Bart Ehrman

How should Bible believing Christians respond to Ehrman’s influence? Read More

What to Do When You Can't Even Talk to God

It happens at times. Life gets so hard, and your faith is so stretched that it seems almost impossible even to talk to God. Sometimes you’re just plain angry at God; you know you need to pray, but you just don’t feel like it. Here are some suggestions if you truly want to be prayerfully obedient in those tough times.... Read More

Why Aren't Millennials Spending? They're Poorer Than Previous Generations, Fed Says

Since millennials first started entering the workforce, their spending habits have been blamed for killing off industries ranging from casual restaurant dining to starter houses. However, a new study by the Federal Reserve suggests it might be less about how they are spending their money and more about not having any to spend. Read More
Millennial university graduates are also heavily encumbered with student loan debt due to the soaring costs of a university education in the United States, even at publicly-funded state universities. My fellow students at the local state university are amazed when I tell them how much it cost to attend university and obtain a bachelor's degree in the early 1970s.

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