
Saturday, December 01, 2018

Saturday Lagniappe: The Challenge of Church Revitalization

Why Most Established Churches Need Revitalization

A need for revitalization does not necessarily mean an entire church is unhealthy. Even the healthiest of established churches have at least one area requiring work, if not several. Sometimes the entire church needs revitalization. In other cases, a particular area of the church needs revitalization. Read More

Revitalizing a Church with a Terrible Reputation [Podcast]

When your church is well-known in the community, it’s typically for something really good…or something that’s not so good. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe tackle the latter and discuss how to get past leading a church with a terrible reputation. Listen Now

7 Reasons Some Church Revitalizations Won't Work

I believe in church revitalization. I’ve seen it happen, and I know it happens all over the country. Still, though, I’m convinced that some revitalization efforts will never work. Here’s why.... Read More

Simple Church, Revisited [Video]

Churches need to become more deliberate in their discipleship process is a basic premise of Simple Church. Watch Now

Study: The Psychological Effects of the Prosperity Gospel

The University of Toronto wanted to explore the effect the prosperity gospel has on people’s outlook on life and their consequent actions. Researchers employed popular preacher Joel Osteen’s messages for their social experiment. Their conclusion: The prosperity gospel makes people optimistic, happy and even a little irresponsible with money. Read More

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