
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How Apologetics Can Address the Six Reasons Why Young People Leave the Church

After a five-year study, Barna Research president David Kinnaman found that 6 in 10 young people leave the church either permanently or for an extended period of time, beginning at age 15. This is an alarming statistic. Many people once thought the exodus from the faith started in college. Kinnaman found that it actually begins in the early teens.

This research does more than tell us when young people are leaving. It informs us as to why they are leaving.

In 2012, Christianity Today summarized Kinnaman’s findings into six reasons why young people leave the church....

As I read through this list, two things immediately jumped out at me. First, each of these reasons relates—in some degree—to apologetics. Now I realize this may sound a little self-serving coming from an apologist, but it’s true. If the church would begin to take the life of the mind more seriously and equip its young people to understand and defend their faith, we could meet these challenges head on.*

Second, we have good answers to these challenges. Let me give you one or two practical resources to help address each of these challenges. Read More

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