
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

When You’re The Pastor, But They Won’t Let You Lead

A talk with a 25 year old pastor helped develop this post. He was frustrated with the church where he served. He was brought to the church because they wanted him to help the church grow again – or so the search committee convinced him – but they continually saw him as too young to make decisions on his own.

They wouldn’t take his suggestions and regularly voted them down at business meetings.

They consistently undermined his attempts to lead.

They expected him to speak each week and visit the sick, but they wouldn’t let him make any changes he felt needed to be made.

It made for a very miserable situation and he felt helpless to do anything about it. He was ready to quit when we talked. The situation was negatively impacting every other area of his life; his marriage, his health, and his outlook towards people and ministry.

It wasn’t the first time I have heard a story such as this. I hear it frequently from young leaders in churches and the business world. I didn’t want to be the one to tell him, but I didn’t want to mislead him either. The bottom line in this young pastor’s situation:

He is the pastor of the church, but not the leader. Read More

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