
Saturday, December 08, 2018

20 Mistakes Pastors Make During Christmas

I spent 42 years behind the pulpit of a local church before stepping away to try my hand at denominational leadership. So when it comes to leading a church throughout the Christmas season, I suppose I’ve made most of the mistakes one can make. The good news is once in a while I got it right; the blessings were enormous.

It’s the mistakes that stand out in memory, however. And, human nature being what it is, the failures of others make great reading and, hopefully, great learning experiences without our own trial and error.

So, here are my candidates for the top 20 mistakes we preachers make during the Christmas season.... Read More

Also See:
10 Suggestions for Telling the Christmas Story This Year
Some Thoughts to Consider if Your Church is Having a Christmas Eve Service
Why Christmas Is a Unique Opportunity for the Church
Why It Is Best for Christians to Celebrate Christmas

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