
Saturday, December 08, 2018

Practical Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #29

Tips for Lay Preachers

Preaching is a daunting task, especially for those of us who fill the pulpit when the regular preaching pastor is away. My aim in this article is to help lay elders, youth leaders, pulpit suppliers, seminarians, and anyone else who preaches occasionally understand how to play your role effectively. Perhaps you’ve recently been asked to preach at another congregation or maybe you’ve begun to preach more frequently at your own church. Many lay preachers feel unprepared for the task—I know I have. What should you do? Where do you start? Here are few tips I have found helpful for lay preachers. Read More

Preaching “One Time” Sermons

Preaching a stand-alone message can be tricky. Read More

Preacher, Feeling Good is Overrated

Too often, we forget that preaching does not merely lead to spiritual war but is itself an act of spiritual war. Read More

3 Takeaways for Preaching in a Celebrity Preacher Culture

If you want to be the best preacher you can be (by God’s grace) PLEASE.... Read More

Three Small Tweaks That Make a Difference in Your Teaching

One minor adjustment where we tighten something that has become loose can change the way others hear our teaching and preaching. I believe there are three small tweaks every communicator of the Scriptures can make that will improve how their audience hears a message. Read More

Pastor, Leave Sports Out of the Pulpit. Here’s Why

The inimitable Joe McKeever explains why we should keep sports out of the pulpit. Read More

Preaching and Poverty

Preach and pray knowing that “the poor” are in the room, not as though they are out there somewhere. Acknowledge that none of us wants to admit our own need. Be attentive to the ways we can respond to the folks in our midst to alleviate some of the dire needs we have for food and clothing and healthcare and shelter. Not because it makes us better people, but because it reminds us who we are. Read More

5 Ways to Misuse a Commentary

I first used a commentary in my teenage years. I was reading through the Bible and asked my mom if there was something that could help me with questions. She had a two-volume commentary on the Bible that she pointed me to and my use of commentaries began. Since that time I’ve used hundreds of commentaries (and written a couple) and have learned a lot of lessons along the way. Below is a list of the top five ways to misuse a commentary (and suggestions for how to use them better). Read More

Let’s Stop Over-Interpreting the Greek Words for Love

Kenny Burchard addresses the problem of over-interpreting Greek synonyms, and then making more of the over-interpretation than the text would ever lead anyone who actually knows better to make. Read More

A Team Approach to Sermon Preparation

It is not good that preachers should prepare their messages alone. Read More

3 Reasons You Should Preach Through Ezekiel

The prophets aren’t exactly feel good books, nor do they seem to contain the kind of practical “news-you-can-use” found in the epistles and wisdom literature. And if you’re just looking for a good story, they’re frankly confusing. Nowhere is all that truer than Ezekiel. So, unless you’re one of those people that is into arcane prophecy and end-times speculation, then why should you preach the book of Ezekiel? Read More

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