
Saturday, December 22, 2018

5 Steps to a Great Last-Minute Christmas Sermon Idea

If you're scrambling to find a fresh idea from the Christmas story for Sunday and Christmas Eve, these steps might help.

39 verses. Less than 900 words.

That’s everything Matthew and Luke wrote about the birth of Jesus.

If you add Jesus’ genealogies and the birth of John the Baptist, you can more than triple its length. But if you go the other direction and remove the Magi who, as we know, were never at the manger, it drops from 39 verses to 28.

However you look at it, there are not a lot of words there.

I’m about to preach my 24th Christmas at the church I pastor. Every year I preach two or three Christmas-themed messages. That’s 60-70 messages on 39 verses. Almost two per verse. To the same congregation. Read More

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