
Friday, December 21, 2018

The Christmas Preacher

There are numerous benefits of preaching at Christmas.

Carols services—normally attract many people who only come to church once a year. This presents us with a wonderful opportunity to preach the gospel to a willing audience of unsaved people.

The Biblical Christmas narratives allow a great opportunity to present a clear gospel sermon:
Matthew tells us about Jesus who will save his people from their sins.
And then the magi—or wise men—who come and worship the King.
In Luke’s account the angels announce that a Saviour is born, who is Christ the Lord.
Christmas services are normally happy occasions, and so give the church an opportunity to present a good face to the world. An engaging sermon, and a well-organised service—in a warm and inviting context—can make a lasting good impression on people. But Christmas preaching comes with particular challenges too. Here are some things to keep in mind.... Read More

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