
Wednesday, December 05, 2018

The Four Gospels Are the Gospel

The Pilgrims' Way to the Holy Isle of Lindisfarne

If you asked a Christian living in the 100s what the Gospel was, he might just answer by summarizing the Gospel according to Matthew or Mark or Luke, or John. Just as Paul did in 1 Corinthians 15 when he summarized the Gospel that he had received by pointing to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ according to Scriptures. These events span the pages of the four Gospels.

This might surprise us since we do not usually think of Jesus’ birth, miracles, calling of the disciples, teachings and so on as being part of the Gospel. Yet the four Gospels are, in fact, the Gospel. And that means that Jesus’ virgin birth, his miracles, and his teachings are part of the good news. And the four Gospel accounts themselves, Paul, the early church, and the creeds confirm that the narrative of Jesus is the Gospel. Read More

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