
Thursday, December 06, 2018

Thursday's Edition: Mediocre Churches and More

Jesus Loves Mediocre Churches (And So Do I)

I recently read an article that, for lack of a better phrase, really cheesed me off.... Two things in particular really bothered me about this article. Read More

Church Revitalization: Keep the Doors of Your Church Open

Churches don’t just die. They get sick and remain so for a considerable length of time. Read More

3 Ways to Help Outsiders Feel Welcome in Your Church

So what can we do to help outsiders feel like welcome, without turning church into a preference-driven smorgasbord of gospel-lite hors d’oeuvres? Read More

The Immutability of God

The latest issue of Credo magazine is online. It deals with the immutability of God. Check Out Featured Articles (and More)

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