
Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday's Catch: The Pastoral Dilemma and More

Caring Or Counting? The Pastoral Dilemma

When I’m pushing for numerical growth, I minister differently than when I’m caring for people. And not in a good way. Read More

How Do Churches End Up with Domineering Bullies for Pastors?

What leadership virtue are we mistaking bullying for? Which trait is such a priority that we aren’t even aware when it is deployed in an ungodly, and biblically prohibited, way? In short, why do we end up with bullies as prominent pastors? Read More

Study: America’s Trust in Clergy at a Record Low

Gallup has measured Americans’ views of the clergy’s honesty and ethics 34 times beginning in 1977, and this year’s 37 percent very high/high rating is the lowest to date. Read More

Worshiping a Limitless God with Limited Resources

How we can encourage our 8-chord guitarists facing 10-20 musically impartial believers to strive on in tough circumstances where there is little to no encouragement and new believers who come from zero congregational singing cultures? Read More

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