
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: The Internet Church and More

Understanding the Internet Church as an Entry Point to the Physical Gathering [Podcast]

The term “internet church” brings a mix of emotions and reactions from church leaders, but if your church is online, there are a few best practices to cover. Today, Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss eight of them. Listen Now

Faithful with the Few

God may only give you a small audience. He may only grant you a few supporters. He may only bless you with a small team, a short reach, a limited influence. How do you respond to the few? Read More

Why You Should Get Overwhelmed in 2019

"Some things are fragile and break easily. Others are resistant and robust and are able to withstand pressure. But things that are “antifragile” don’t simply hold up under pressure; they get stronger with pressure. They grow and develop under pressure." With this thought in mind Eric Geiger suggests three practical ways to grow as a leader in 2019. Read More

2 Reasons Christian Leaders Can Take Risks (More Than Other Leaders Can)

The art to our own leadership development is being overwhelmed enough to grow but not so overwhelmed that we can’t breathe. Read More

13 Reasons Church Leaders Ought to Continue Their Education

I admit my bias here. I am a seminary dean and professor, and I believe in education. Regardless of my own feelings, though, I believe church leaders should continue their education – including looking at doctoral degrees. Here’s why.... Read More

Sexual Violence: Whose Fault Is It?

In case it's not crystal clear, let us be emphatic: The sole individual responsible for sexual violence is the perpetrator. Read More

Six Dangers to Teach Your Kids About Porn

Pornography is not a harmless, private activity. It is one of the major engines fueling the demand for sexual exploitation in all its forms. Read More
Pornography also erodes the inhibitions of its viewers against other forms of violence as well as sexual violence and fosters the erroneous belief that victims are somehow responsible for the violence perpetrated against them.
How Can the Bible Be Inerrant if Copyists Made Mistakes?

How can the Bible be inerrant if there are variations among the manuscripts and even between different accounts of the same events? That’s the question we’ll explore together in this post. Read More

An Open Letter to the Timid Evangelist

We can’t transform hearts or renew minds. Our job is to spread the Word, to sow the seed, to share the good news. Read More
We are also called to water the seed and to tend the young plant when it sprouts and grows.

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