
Saturday, January 05, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #32

7 Steps to Writing a Sermon - Part One - Picking a Topic, Title & Hook

In a new series of posts for those starting to preach Lane Sebring seeks to take his readers to a new level and reveals how to write a sermon. He answers the questions: "What do I do? Where do I start?" Read More

What Is Biblical Preaching?: The Demonstration of the Spirit’s Power in Preaching

When the Spirit moves during a sermon, what does it look like? Read More

Why Great Preachers Are Not Always Great Leaders

Skill is not maturity. Read More

The Father Was not Angry with the Son at the Cross

In our preaching, we should not fall into the trap of preaching mortification as justification. And this seems to be the effect of preaching the tortures of crucifixion. Read More

You Can’t Preach Christ Without Preaching Depravity

Depravity isn’t exactly en vogue these days....But if we are to understand the magnitude of God’s grace, we need to understand the totality of our depravity. Read More

5 Ways to Preach Like a Pharisee

How do you preach like a Pharisee? Read More

Pilots Learn How Not To Crash--Preachers Can, Too

Like flying a plane, good training can help your preaching walk away with a smooth landing. Read More

Seven Tricks To Break Out Of Your Preaching Rut

Periodically, every pastor to whom God gives the privilege of preaching weekly will find themselves in a rut. Read More
For more articles on preaching visit the newest preaching articles page of Sermon Central.

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