
Saturday, January 05, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: Effective Leadership and More

Five Ways to Be a More Effective Leader in 2019

Some food for thought as you reflect on where God has you and who he has under your care. Read More

Bad Things Happen When a Church Terminates a Minister

Unless a church has good cause, it should never fire a minister. If there are reasons for dismissing the minister and vacating the pulpit, faithful and mature leaders can find ways to make it happen without ruining that person’s future opportunities for service. But outright firing a minister forever brands him and may ruin his ministry prospects. Read More

7 Tips for Reading Through the Bible This Year

Reading the Bible through in a year is both a worthy and ambitious goal. As you begin the new year, consider the following tips to ensure your plan for reading Scripture is intentional, achievable, and spiritually beneficial. Read More

How We Study the Bible Shapes Our View of God [Video]

Why is it important to study the Bible? In this video, Katie Orr, creator of the FOCUSed15 Bible study method, breaks down that question and explains how Bible study and our understanding of the Bible affects every part of our life, but most importantly, our view of God. Watch Now

Should Your Praise Set Be Before or After the Sermon?

The question that Don Chapman addresses in this article may not at first seem relevant to Anglican worship which follows a fixed pattern week after week, whether that of a service of Holy Communion, a service of Morning Prayer, or some other form of service. But Anglican congregations need time to think about the message of the sermon too. Service leaders should consider observing a period of silent reflection after the sermon before moving onto the affirmation of faith, canticle, intercessions, closing hymn, or whatever comes next in the service. Read More

4 Ways to Really Prepare for Worship

Worship begins in our hearts, not on our lips. Read More
You may want to share this article with your congregation, small group, accountability partner, and others.
The 7  People Christians Trust More Than Their Pastors

Gallup’s latest poll finds Americans now believe clergy (at a record low) are nearly as honest and ethical as journalists (at a record high). Read More

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