
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #34

7 Steps to Writing a Sermon – Part Three – Building an Outline

In this series of posts, we are discovering a practical guide to go from a blank page to ready for Sunday in seven steps. If you work through the seven action steps in this series, you'll have a sermon written and be ready to go. Read More

3 Ways to Keep Your Listener’s Attention as You Preach

People don’t want you to preach at them. They want you to talk to them. That’s how you keep their attention. Here are three ways to keep people listening to your sermon.... Read More

How to Move Doctrine from Head to Heart

Biblical preaching moves the hearer from head to heart and from the ethereal to the experiential by focusing on what the believer actually encounters when he really experiences or tastes this doctrine. As Jeremiah said, “I did eat the Word of God, it was sweet—sweeter than a honeycomb in my life.” Read More

Finish Your Sermon Strong: 10 Mistakes To Avoid

Finishing a sermon is neither easy nor natural. Here's help! Read More

3 Myths about Preaching

If you believe one or more of these 3 myths, you are making preaching harder for yourself. Read More

What to Remember When Your Sermon Gets No Response

I’m sure you’ve been there too. You preach your heart out faithfully and call for a response, but only hear crickets. Read More
I would rather hear crickets than snores!
In Defense Of Longer (And Better) Sermons

How long should a sermon be? As long as it needs to be. Read More

A Crucial Question: The Why Of Expository Preaching

It's not just academic; it's essential for life-giving sermons. Read More

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