
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: The Slow Death of Retail, the Future Church, and More

What the Slow Death of Retail Can Tell Us About the Future Church

Retail as we’ve known it is slowly dying before our eyes. Carey Nieuwhof identifies 5 things the church can learn from its slow death. Read More

52 Ways Churches Can Save Money This Year

When there’s a deficit in the church budget, pastors and other church leaders often face the difficult decision of how to make up for the loss. Fortunately, there are many ways to trim church expenses without hindering your church’s ministry. Read More

Does Christology Matter?

Does it matter how we view Jesus Christ as long as we know that he saves and we witness to others about him? Read More

Is the Old Testament Law Useful Today?

Few genres of Scripture cause more confusion in the church today than the Law. Read More

The Best Single-Volume Introduction to Apologetics [Book Review]

Far from being in its golden age, apologetics is now rarely found in the one place where it must be found—local churches. Read More

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