
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #35

Seven Steps to Writing a Sermon - Step Four - Crafting Your Points

Have you ever wanted a step-by-step guide to creating a sermon from scratch? In this series of posts, we are unpacking a practical guide to go from a blank page to ready for Sunday in seven steps. If you work through the seven action steps in this series, you’ll have a sermon written and be ready to go.... Read More

12 Things to Do While Waiting For Your Chance to Preach [Video]

You’re looking for that opportunity, but you can’t seem to find it. What do you do while you wait for your chance? Well today, we’re going to talk about that. And I want to give you 12 things to do while you’re waiting for your shot to preach. Watch Now

Five Ways To Turn Off Younger Listeners

If you're still in your first 5 years as a preacher, don’t give up! God has this wonderful way of drawing straight lines with crooked sticks. Read More

Here's Why We Should Never Preach Legalism

Legalism always produces two kinds of people: Those who know they do not measure up to God’s standards; and those who pretend that they measure up to God’s standards. Read More

The Secret to Getting Ahead on Sermon Writing [Video]

How do other pastors get ahead when I’m so busy, and I’ve got so much going on every single week outside of just my preaching responsibilities? How do they do it?” Well, I want to tell you the secret of how pastors get ahead. Are you ready for it? Watch Now

Don’t Preach Microwaved Leftover Sermons

Microwaved sermons are generally about as good as most microwaved foods. If you are working on your sermon only as you find time, the Word of God and its preaching are not receiving the care and devotional attention that makes the best preaching so rich and delicious. Read More

Do You Preach To Real People Or Straw Men?

Preaching in the abstract means missing real lives and real people. Here are four ways to connect to real people. Read More

Don't Kill Your Message!

What’s the difference between a sermon that flops and a sermon that people still buzz about years later? Read More

Restore Passion To Your Preaching: 3 Essential Steps

Do you sometimes find yourself preaching only because "Sunday is coming"? Read More

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