
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: No Salvation in the Mormon Church and More

Why You Can’t Get to Heaven through the Mormon Faith

Despite the rate at which it has grown, Mormonism contains fatal doctrinal problems. Though it has attracted many, it cannot be said that adherence to it will lead one to heaven.  Read More

The Problem With Using Numerical Incentives In Church Leadership

When we require the promise of numerical increase to motivate us to behave biblically, something is wrong. Read More

9 Common Sense Practices That Are Challenged When The Pressure Is On

As leaders, we usually talk about things like vision, strategy, staffing, etc., and they are incredibly important. But you and I can blow it, even with the best vision and strategy, if we mess up on the “simple” stuff – the things that are considered common sense. Read More

Practice Defeating Your Distractions

Distraction is not a simple foe; it must be fought on numerous fronts. Victory is achieved not by one glorious coup d’état of resolve, but by the slow insurgency of developing distraction-reducing habits. Read More

The Word Became Visuals 

How data visualization is helping readers better understand the Bible. Read More

Growing Stronger Through Worship

The Bible gives us three ways we can help our congregations grow stronger through worship. Read More

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