
Thursday, January 03, 2019

Thursday's Catch: The Quarter-Life Crisis and More

What the ‘Quarter-Life Crisis’ Says About Young Adults in Your Church

The quarter-life crisis (QLC). If you’ve not come across this increasingly popular phrase, it’s time that you did. Read More

5 Shared Characteristics Needed to do Church Planting or Church Revitalization

All pastors and planters should operate under a calling of God, but it does appear to me there are some unique qualifications for those who want to start a church or transition it to grow again. From my experience, I see characteristics I believe it takes to be an effective in both worlds. Read More
Two related articles are "10 Reasons to Consider Church Revitalization — Even Over Church Planting" and "5 Really Bad Reasons to Plant a Church."
Dealing with the Regret of Successful Revitalization [Podcast]

When revitalization takes place in a church, a church changes. Those changes create pain points in the church and sometimes people want to go back. Today, Thom Rainer, Mark Clifton, and Jonathan Howe explore this and discuss how to combat it and move forward. Listen Now

Church Planting in a Politically Divided Age [Podcast]

Tony Merida talks with Bill Riedel about the challenges and opportunities to planting a church in a politically divided age. Listen Now

Unraveling the Chicken-and-Egg Puzzle Behind the ‘God Gap’ in Voting [Book Review]

Do people choose their politics on the basis of their religion, or is it the other way around? Read More

5 Positive Insights To Help You Lead Negative People

are called to love and lead everyone who is part of the church. But some who attend your church are easier to lead than others.Read More

You Can Trust the Four Gospels [Book Review]

Christian claims stand or fall with the identity of Jesus of Nazareth. The New Testament Gospels provide the greatest amount of information about that person. How reliable the Gospels are, therefore, is a question every thoughtful person should want to answer in order to evaluate Christianity. Read More

You Can Memorize Scripture This Year

You can memorize Scripture this year. It does not take superhuman skill or fanatic devotion to write God’s word on your mind and heart. Read More
A good place to start is the admonitions, promises, and teachings of Jesus.
A Simple 3-Step Bible Reading Plan for Children

Here’s a simpler, three-step approach that is ideal for helping children read large sections of the Bible. Read More

To Prepare for Evangelism, Put on Your Oxygen Mask

Megan Hill examines four vital components of the "oxygen" that that nourish and fuel our evangelism. Read More

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