
Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: A Different Kind of Christian and More

Being a Different Kind of Christian

I want to be a different kind of Christian. Because an awful lot of people don’t really like the kind of Christian they’re seeing. And that’s a big deal. Because it’s keeping them from Jesus. Read More

52 Ideas for Inviting Someone to Church This Year

As God puts people in your life pathway, will you intentionally invite them? You can do this! Here are 52 ideas to help you get started. Some are for individuals; others can be adapted for your small group or the entire church. Read More

Six Reasons Your New Members Class Is Not Effective

If you think your church’s new member class is not as effective as it could be, there are possibly some quick and helpful solutions. Let’s look at the six most common problems in new member classes so you can make those adjustments. Read More

What is at Stake with Roman Catholic Mariology?

For Roman Catholic Mariology to be challenged and eventually undermined, we have to grapple with deeper issues than exegesis. Read More

5 Ways to Gracefully Say No

Often people in the church will ask pastors to do something that takes their time or they want to meet with them on some issue. In many cases we know deep inside that we should respond with a “No.” However, because we don’t want to disappoint, we often say, “Yes,” and later regret it. In this post I suggest five ways to gracefully say “No.” Read More

10 Tips For Reading In 2019

Taking the time to read can be a discipline, but it should also be a joy. Like anything goal-orientated, reading can require planning, persistence, patience, and purpose. There are many ways to approach reading, and there’s no rules about it, except those you make yourself. Read More
A church grows with its pastor. I once read that one measure of whether a pastor is growing is by the number of new books on his study's shelves and whether those books look like they had been read.

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