
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Europe's Empty Churches and More

Praying for Empty Churches in Europe to Be Filled [Photo Gallery]

While church buildings in Europe testify to the historical influence of Christianity throughout the continent, their emptiness speaks to the eclipse of Christian faith in the hearts and minds of Europeans today. Most urgently, empty churches testify to the need for a vibrant Christian witness. Read More

How Church Plants Can Ensure Healthy Accountability

While some church plants belong to denominations with clear accountability structures for churches, pastors, and other leaders, plants from free church or baptistic traditions that value local church autonomy must be thoughtful and intentional to have clear accountability structures in place from the earliest days.Read More

3 Things Church Planting Couples Need to Do 

If you’re a church-planting couple, you may find yourself at the starting line or halfway around the track. Wherever you are, there are a few things you need to do. Read More

Nine Commitments Needed From Church Members for Revitalization to Happen [Podcast]

Church members play a role in revitalization. Their attitudes and actions must reflect an openness to reaching others. Today, Thom Rainer, Mark Clifton, and Jonthan Howe discuss nine commitments they must make to see revitalization in a church. Listen Now

Remember Blogs? (For Every Communicator Who's Felt Out Of Step)

A word of encouragement to everyone who’s felt criticized or left behind when others move on to something new, cool or cutting edge. Read More
Using video clips has its challenges. If you want to produce good quality video clips, it requires more than a webcam. It is also difficult to explore a complex issue in depth in a video clip and do it justice. This may explain why some individuals who get most of their information from video clips have a superficial grasp of such issues. The more charismatic the presenter in the video clip is, the more likely he is to receive a hearing even though the views that he is expressing are inaccurate or worse. This puts the less charismatic presenter at a disadvantage. While the views that he is expressing may be accurate, his lack of stage presence may prevent him from commanding the attention of his audience. In an age of celebrity pastors and charismatic personalities, it would likely prove a significant handicap.
Social Media and the Church

Now we live in a new age of technology, and it is having massive, unforeseen effects. Read More

Can Social Media Good Outweigh the Bad? Most Teens Think So.

A recent study from Pew Research found that over two-thirds of teenagers ages 13-17 feel like they experience positive benefits from using social media, while less than half say they experience negative effects. Read More

Millennials, Evangelism, and Whatever Happened to Hell?

When faith becomes personalized in a consumer society steeped in expressive individualism, evangelism becomes controversial. Read More

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