
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: 'The Ends of the Earth' and More

Where Are The Ends of the Earth?

Generally, Jesus words “Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” are taken to imply that mission should be local (Jerusalem), regional (Judea and Samaria) and international (ends of the earth). I’m not entirely convinced that we can take this quite so definitively…. Read More

Starting a Multiplication Movement in Your Church

Though certainly not an exhaustive list, there are five basic steps that churches could take that would help make multiplication movements a higher priority. Read More

Building a Community in a Society of Isolation

Community is becoming more and more counter-cultural. What should a church do? If people can bowl alone, can they “do church” alone? Do we embrace the cultural reality or do we push against it? Read More
Whatever we may believe in how the human race originated, one fact stands out. Human beings have normally lived in some form of community and not in isolation from each other. We are social beings. It is one of the characteristics that make us human. The tendency of our culture to isolate and insulate people from each other is a form of dehumanization. Digital technology creates the illusion of connectivity but we really are not connected to each other at all.

C. S. Lewis’ description of Hell in ‘The Great Divorce’ is a state in which its occupants avoid each other and live in their own little bubble. The longer someone is in Hell, the further he moves away from the other occupants and the deeper becomes his isolation. He is not only divorced from God but his fellow human beings. If how Lewis imagines Hell in ‘The Great Divorce’ is any way an accurate portrait of Hell, then what our culture may be doing is creating Hell on earth. It is something to think about.
Are Mormons Heretics?

The push to be considered evangelical is a real push. But it comes at the cost of some doctrinal obfuscation. So are Mormons becoming evangelical Christians? What do we make of those sweet folks across the street with the awesome kids and neighborly spirit? If anybody is a Christian, wouldn’t they be? Read More

The Pendulum Swing Syndrome When Churches Get a New Pastor: Five Key Questions

Too often churches choose new pastors largely based upon the perceived weaknesses of the previous pastor. While the change in pastors may indeed afford the congregation the opportunity to make necessary shifts in ministry priorities, the church should be wise not to overplay this issue. Read More

Church Health Quiz #2: Is Your Church a Disciplining Church?

Yesterday, I gave you a quiz about whether your church is an evangelistic church. Today, I ask whether your church is a discipling church. Read More

No, Millennials Aren't Killing Evangelism [Podcast]

But if you're hesitant about sharing the gospel in the 21st century, here's what you need to know about effectively reaching people for Christ. Listen Now

Don’t Be Individualistic in Evangelism

While some people prioritize individual proclamation, others emphasize the importance of community in evangelism. Both are good ways of thinking. But we see the most evangelistic fruit when we merge the two together in the local church. Read More

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