
Monday, April 22, 2019

6 Questions Guests Bring to Your Church Website

Many potential guests—especially those of younger generations—now decide whether or not they’ll visit a church based on the initial experience they have with a church website. For this reason, it’s essential churches maintain a welcoming and informative digital presence.

Faith Perceptions is a ministry that deploys mystery guests to churches and their websites to help leaders see aspects of their ministry through the eyes of a visitor.

Faith Perceptions provided Facts & Trends the following church website feedback from mystery guests—insights that reveal six questions visitors likely have as they check out your church online. Read More
Some church websites are very uninviting. Without meaning to, these church websites convey the message to visitors,"this church is not for you!" Some churches put all their effort into their Facebook page and neglect their church website. However, if a guest visits the church website first, they are not likely to check out the Facebook page. The church's efforts are wasted. Both the church website and the Facebook page need to be inviting. Other churches put little effort into their church website AND their Facebook page. They may set up a Facebook page but do very little with it. Often as not they did not know how to use it. Too often the Facebook page contains information that holds little or no interest for visitors. The information may be out of date. A number of churches need to take down their existing church website and Facebook page and replace them. They also need to make use of other forms of social media like Instagram and YouTube.

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