
Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday's Catch: Easter Follow-Ip and More

3 Ways to Knock Easter Follow-Up Out of the Park

Allow me to offer three tips to hit your Easter visitor follow-up out of the park. Read More

Will the Sunday After Easter Be a Letdown?

You may be starting to wonder what you’re going to do the Sunday after Easter. Maybe you’re even asking yourself, “How do I keep that Sunday from being a major letdown?” The anxiety is already setting in. Here’s how I processed that question recently along with some of my interns from Southern Seminary. Read More

6 Reasons We Can’t Give up on Lost Loved Ones

Yesterday was Easter Sunday, and many of us saw loved ones come to church for the first time in months – but still not respond to the gospel. If that’s your story, I want to encourage you today with this post.... Read More

Why I Changed My Mind About Fundraising for Our Church Plant

I no longer view this part of ministry as a distraction from the real work. Instead, I’ve come to appreciate that all the time we’ve spent fundraising has built a network of deeply committed prayer warriors for our fledgling church. Read More

Pastoral Concern about Evangelical Prophecy

The saints walk with the living God. Christ is real to the believer, and his Spirit is our indwelling divine companion. However, we also must not fall into experientialism, ascribing divine authority over our faith and obedience to spiritual experiences. The belief that God continues to grant special revelation through personal experience fosters unhealthy experientialism. Read More

Preach the Bible, Not Calvinism

If Calvinism is true, then as you preach the Bible you will preach Calvinism. My point is more specific: Do not aim to preach your system with its terminology. Aim to preach the Bible itself. Read More

Between Doing And Delegating – The Essential Step To Overcome Pastoral Burnout

You can’t do everything yourself. And you can’t delegate tasks to people who haven’t been discipled. They have to be equipped first. Read More

How the Old Testament Prepares Us for the Third Day

In the Old Testament we find a pattern of God doing big things on the third day. Redemptive things. Revelatory things. And yes, resurrection things. Read More

Mastering the Fundamentals of Mission

If you can’t do the fundamentals with excellence, then you will never be successful—at least not for long. Read More

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