
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #49

What Makes a Sermon Difficult To Listen To

Recently, and largely for my own purposes, I found myself thinking about some of the elements that can make a sermon difficult to listen to. Having jotted them down, I thought I’d share them with you. Read More

Preaching--4 Ways To Gain Attention And 3 Ways To Keep It!

How do you rate on the two critical skills every preacher needs? Read More

Five Ways To Keep The Gospel Front-And-Center In Your Sermon

"There's a difference between preaching a gospel-centered sermon and preaching a sermon with the gospel in it." Read More

Your Sermon May Solve Problems But Is That Enough?

Address people where they are, but take them to another place to meet the Sovereign of the Universe. Read More

Expositional Preaching in a Non-Literate Culture [Video]

Does expositional preaching work in a non-literate culture? Watch Now

4 Sermon Types to Avoid

Alec Motyer has written: “An expository ministry is the proper response to a God-breathed Scripture… Central to it all is that concern which the word ‘exposition’ itself enshrines: a display of what is there.”

There are a variety of sermon types that fail to “display what is there.” These include.... Read More

Ways Bad Biblical Theology Warps Sermons

All of us—not just preachers—should beware of bad biblical theology. But what exactly does bad biblical theology look like in sermons? Read More

How Pastors And Parents Can Help Children Benefit From The Sermon

Erik Raymond suggests some things he has done as both dad and pastor to help kids hear and understand the message in “big church.” Read More

Pastoral Plagiarism: 10 Do’s and Don’ts

What are the “rules” of plagiarism for communicators?

I’m not sure we know because they aren’t as spelled out as they are in the academic world. But I think we can—or at least should—agree to the following 10 commandments.... Read More

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