
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: Special Events, Faith-Sharing, and More

How Events Help People Share the Mission

One of the tools we can use for training people to get comfortable talking with others, inviting them to our weekend worship gatherings, and eventually sharing their faith, is through special events. Special events can include the more popular ones like Easter and Christmas, but also can include Parent/Child Dedications, Mother’s and Father’s Day, and the beginning of a new sermon series.

There are at least three reasons why special events can help people move toward become comfortable sharing their faith. Read More

6 Ways to Welcome Families with Disabilities in the Church

Tracy Mcelhatten offers suggestions for churches to consider as they strive to be inclusive of people with disabilities. Read More

Did Jesus Ever Talk about Homosexuality?

Paul Carter tackles the issue of what Jesus said about marriage and unlawful sex. Read More
What is crucial to what Jesus said about these matters is how his original audience understood what he was saying.
The Mission Field Needs ESL Teachers. Can You Be One of Them?

Living in a foreign country where you don’t know the language is like trying to communicate with someone when you are both underwater—you’re unable to make yourself understood and unable to understand the person communicating with you. It is difficult to acquire skills, move ahead, or to make progress. But in many places around the world, if you can speak English, chances are good that you can rise above the waterline into the open air. Read More

A Model for Missions in a Brave New World [Podcast]

Mack Stiles on the need for gospel-centered churches at the heart of missions.Listen Now

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