
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #51

The Purpose and Benefits of Lay Preaching

Becoming a lay preacher may be a way for those considering the ministry to smooth the transition from secular employment to the full-time ministry. Read More

Tips for Lay Preachers

Preaching is a daunting task, especially for those of us who fill the pulpit when the regular preaching pastor is away. My aim in this article is to help lay elders, youth leaders, pulpit suppliers, seminarians, and anyone else who preaches occasionally understand how to play your role effectively. Perhaps you’ve recently been asked to preach at another congregation or maybe you’ve begun to preach more frequently at your own church. Many lay preachers feel unprepared for the task—I know I have. What should you do? Where do you start? Here are few tips I have found helpful for lay preachers. Read More

10 Things the Inexperienced Preacher (or Lay Speaker) Needs to Learn Fast

Here is my list of ten things the beginning (or rusty or occasional) speaker seems not to know, but needs to learn quickly in order to be effective. Read More

Are You Training Lay Preachers? Why Not?

When we neglect to develop and maintain active lay ministry in the life of the local church, our churches miss out on at least these blessings. Read More

10 Ways to Extend the Reach of Every Sermon

Here’s are a few ideas, suggestions, and practical tips to help you see a greater work for the return that you’re already putting into your sermons. Read More

How to Extend the Life of Every Sermon [Podcast]

Here are 10 ways that you can extend the life of every sermon. This will help each sermon live longer and reach more people. Listen Now

6 Options When It Seems Like No One's Listening to Your Sermons

If you’ve ever preached or taught, you know what I’m talking about in this post. No matter how hard you prepared your sermon or lesson—and regardless of how good you think it is—your listeners just seem to be in another world. They’re clearly not paying attention, and you wish you could just shut down the sermon and go home. Here are some options when that happens.... Read More

11 Ways To Evaluate Your Own Preaching

The more important our work is, the more imperative it is we strive to improve. Here's how. Read More

How To Preach To Old(Er) People

"Mildred" loves the Lord, shows up early for service--and falls asleep nearly every week. What to do? Read More

What If I Preach A Bad Sermon?

“God’s mercies are new every morning, and that includes our preaching ministry.” Read More

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