
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: Understanding Your Community and More

Five Ways to Know Your Community for Outreach

If your church wants to be effective at building bridges into your community, then you must have a good understanding of your local community. Where are you? Who lives around you? What are their backgrounds? What are their concerns? What is the DNA of the neighborhood in which God has called you to serve? Read More

Is the “New Perspective on Paul” a Product of Our Current Cultural Moment?

Is it true that NPP folks have somehow been able to do what reformed folks have not, namely throw off the shackles of cultural influence and see the real Paul? Are they able to rise above their cultural circumstances and engage only in objective exegesis (whatever that might be)? Read More

10 Things You Should Know about Lifting Your Hands in Worship

Worship involves our bodies as well as our hearts and minds. Our posture tells a story. It makes a statement to God and to others about the state of our souls and the affections and passions of our heart. Read More

The Power of Your Example in Evangelism

Pause and ponder this question: Would you want every member of your church to do personal evangelism with exactly the same passion, intentionality and effectiveness that you do? Be honest. Read More

Churches Outnumber Pubs in the UK

While the big denominations continue their downfall, certain Pentecostal movements, from black churches to Hillsong, see a surge in attendance. Read More

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